The road to sustainability: how ATESTEO aims to become climate-neutral

Zero-emission testing and operation with photovoltaics, heat pumps, and green electricity

With zero-emission electric drives and low-emission fuel options, the transportation revolution in Germany is destined to succeed. However, sustainability is not just about the powertrain itself, but also about its development and production. And that includes drivetrain testing. As the world’s leading specialist in drivetrain testing, ATESTEO accepts its responsibility as a testing partner of the mobility industry by implementing effective measures for consistently and sustainably reducing CO2.

Sustainability in the mobility industry, especially in the automotive industry, relies on considerably reducing CO2 emissions. OEMs are doing everything to meet climate goals. This includes establishing sustainable value chains and supply chains. By testing drivetrains early in the drivetrain development process, ATESTEO, which contributes to sustainable supply chains through its own measures, is a key partner of manufacturers.

CO2 reduction in all areas: ATESTEO establishes sustainable testing

Sustainable Testing bedeutet bei ATESTEO, Energie klimaneutral zu erzeugen und im Unternehmen wie beim Testing weitestgehend Ökostrom zu nutzen. Um klimaneutral zu werden, setzt ATESTEO bei der CO2-Reduktion auf Maßnahmen in drei Bereichen im Unternehmen: Testing, Gebäude und Mobilität.

CO2 reduction in drivetrain testing

In the testing area, the test benches are obviously the most energy-intensive areas of the company, making them the most CO2 intensive as well. ATESTEO already covers up to 10% of its electricity requirements with its own large ground-mounted photovoltaic system. The system is being expanded every year so that more and more green electricity flows through the company. Currently, 26% of the remaining electricity comes from renewable sources with an eco-rate. This is to be increased to 56% from 2024. Starting in 2025, ATESTEO’s entire electricity supply is scheduled to come from 100% renewable energy sources.

CO2 reduction in buildings

ATESTEO is minimizing its CO2 footprint in the company itself as well. Exchanging all lamps for modern LEDs saves electricity. Everyone is encouraged to change their behavior through themed weeks in the cafeterias about sustainable nutrition. And when the complete replacement of the heating system from gas burners to heat pumps begins in 2024, the company’s heat supply will be emissions-free in the long term.

CO2 reduction in mobility

ATESTEO is not only testing more and more e-drives in development. Our own vehicle fleet is being gradually converted to electric vehicles. At our own charging stations, employee can conveniently charge not only their company cars, but also their own private vehicles. ATESTEO subsidizes the most sustainable means of transportation available today: a company bicycle for any employee who wants one.

Ready for the future: ATESTEO’s holistic approach to sustainability

By converting all sources of energy to electricity from 100% regenerative energy sources by 2026, ATESTEO will save 400 tonnes of CO2 annually, thus testing practically climate-neutrally. Fuels will only be needed to test combustion engines when manufacturers order such tests. ATESTEO is already so far along the road to sustainability that the drivetrain testing specialist participates in ratings from CDP, S-Rating SAQ, and Supplier Assurance to provide manufacturers the necessary security for their supply chains. ATESTEO works every day to make drivetrains of tomorrow better, more efficient, and more sustainable — while also expanding the company’s sustainability in terms of the mobility of the future.

About the Author: ATESTEO