“Klimareise” at ATESTEO. Student’s day on the future topic of energy & e-mobility at the leading specialist for Drivetrain Testing.
How does the use of renewable energies and the resulting developments in the mobility sector change the way of life in our society? What impact does this have on existing and new job profiles? These and other questions were answered by ATESTEO during the student’s day for a 9th grade of a comprehensive school in Alsdorf. Under the motto “Klimareise”, the young people were given a day-long insight into the background of the energy revolution and e-mobility as well as the effects on life and work in the future.
The invention of the car has revolutionized people’s lives. Today, it’s the technological development towards greater sustainability and safety that will change our way of life. E-mobility and autonomous driving are the keys to the future. And it’s already within one’s reach. Over the next ten years, the world as we know it will change completely. Autonomous vehicles will conquer road and airspace. E-mobility concepts will make the transport of people and goods greener, more efficient and resource-saving. Therefore ATESTEO already participates actively in this pioneering and exciting development with its future-oriented testing, measuring and product services for the automotive sector. But for whom will the promising mobility concepts be developed? For future generations – they own the future and everything that comes along with it.

E-Mobility and autonomous vehicles are the topics of the future.
Opening new worlds to young people
ATESTEO is happy to show future generations the importance and the possibilities of developments in energy management and in the drive of vehicles. To take children and young people on the journey of technological innovation and to inspire them for science and technology already sets the course for their future. School internships, Girls’ Days and tours for students of the university of applied sciences in Aachen are recurring events for the new generation of the industry. This year’s “Klimareise” at ATESTEO is no exception. Twenty-five 9th grader of the Gustav-Heinemann Gesamtschule in Alsdorf were part of this climate journey which was planned by the town of Alsdorf. On July, 5th 2018, the young people were able to experience on site at the headquarters in Alsdorf what electric mobility and innovative drives can do.

ATESTEO invited the new generation to the “Klimareise” at the company’s headquarter in Alsdorf.
A journey to the land of knowledge
The whole day was dedicated to the motto “Klimareise”. The day started with a ride on an ASEAG e-bus to the ENERGETICON Technology Museum in Alsdorf. During a guided tour on the topic of the energy transition, the students were introduced to the history from the origins of fossil fuels to the renewable energy sources of today. Afterwards the day continued at ATESTEO. Here the experts for Drivetrain Testing were waiting for the young people with interesting information and an adventure tour.
It started with a lecture followed by a discussion on the mobility of the future. How must be dealt with developments and resources in relation to climate change? What do digitalisation, autonomous driving and shared mobility mean for society and how are they changing the labour market? What new professions do they create? ATESTEO gave answers to current topics, which will also have an influence on the future and education of the young students. Afterwards, the girls and boys were able to experience how the company is working on the realization of future automotive topics. Therefore the roller dynamometer, the climate chamber and the ATESTEO test track were shown to the students.
At the test bench, at the climate chamber and on the in-house test track, the students from Alsdorf were able to experience practical knowledge.
Shaping the future together
The “Klimareise” provided the 25 students of the Gustav-Heinemann Gesamtschule with a good insight into the work of ATESTEO and gave answers in connection with climate change and technical developments in the field of mobility. Many topics were already familiar to the students, many others provided insight into a new world. Especially the newly acquired knowledge about how a company already operates with future looking topics and trend-setting developments was very interesting for students and teachers. This is because knowledge of such topics and trends have a relevant impact, particularly with regard the students’ careers. The day was very informative and successful for both sides, the students and the company.