Alsdorf E-Rally stops at ATESTEO

Electric vehicle drivers stop off at the leading specialist for Drivetrain Testing – Test drives on the own test track at ATESTEO and exchange of knowledge in the area of e-mobility.

E-mobility is the future. By now many drivers are already switching to electric vehicles. On August, 25th 2018, a lot of electric vehicles were discovered on the streets of Alsdorf. The Alsdorf E-Rally took place as part of the 10th Elektro-Euregiotour of V.E.R.A., the Association of Electric Vehicle Friends in the region of Aachen, and stopped in the city. More precisely at ATESTEO – the leading specialist for Drivetrain Testing. The world market leader for independent powertrain testing in vehicles plays an important role in the development of electric drives for years with its e-mobility test benches. In addition to other relevant local companies, ATESTEO was therefore an important stop for the drivers of the Alsdorf E-Rally.

On Saturday, August 25th 2018 a total of 73 rally participants arrived at ATESTEO. After a short welcome with some refreshments, the drivers were able to really push their electric vehicles to their limits on the ATESTEO test track. Especially the approach on the different gradients from 12 % to 20 % demanded a lot from the drivers.

Afterwards, the participants were able to acquire practical knowledge on the test bench. Through the in-house tour, e-mobility enthusiasts learned how acoustic measurements are operating on the dynamometer (roller test benches) and what role they play for the development of drives for automotive industry. The environmental simulation test bench showed how the effect of environmental conditions on the drive elements can be tested at an early stage in order to avoid later problems in the vehicle. After two hours filled with driving experience and expertise on the subject of electric mobility, the rally participants took off to the next stop.

On the ATESTEO test track in Alsdorf all participants of the Alsdorf E-Rallye were able to drive out their electric vehicles at will and above all could test the driving behaviour in gradients.

About the Author: ATESTEO